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Removing a natural or permanent tooth is never ideal, and it is typically not the first choice of treatment. However, despite the remarkable advancements in modern dentistry, there are still times in which extracting a tooth is necessary. Sometimes, removing a tooth is the only way to save the rest of your smile or protect your overall health. Here are a few top reasons why tooth removal may be suggested by your dentist?

Serious Infection

Oral infections develop due to the lingering presence of plaque and bacteria. When an infection in the tooth goes untreated, the inner pulp of the tooth becomes infected too. Infection can also occur within the gums, also known as gum disease. Gum disease can destroy the underlying bone and tissues that support the tooth, leading to its instability and loss. Again, this occurs only if the initial gum infection goes untreated. When a root canal or periodontal therapy can’t reverse the infection in time, it may be best to remove the tooth altogether so that the infection doesn’t spread to nearby teeth and other parts of your body.

Severe Pain

Tooth pain is always addressed with measures such as a root canal or filling if possible. However, when the pain is severe or hen it involves a wisdom tooth that is impacted, an extraction may be the best course of action to promptly relieve the discomfort. The decision to remove a tooth because it is painful should always be weighed carefully by your dentist.

Substantial Injury/Damage

Mouth injuries or sometimes unavoidable, especially if you are active or play sports. When there is trauma to a tooth and too much of its structure is damaged, the tooth may be deemed unviable and need to be removed. This is of course if a dental crown cannot properly rebuild the tooth.

Other Reasons for Tooth Removal

Severe decay, infection or pain are not the only reasons for tooth removal. The following are also situations in which a dentist may recommend extraction:

  • Baby tooth that refuses to come out on its own
  • Impacted or troublesome wisdom tooth
  • To prepare for orthodontic treatment (crowding)

When it comes to tooth removal, you can trust Green Dental of Alexandria for comfort at every step. We use advanced dental technology and offer relaxing sedation to ensure your extraction procedure is as painless as possible. In many cases, the tooth that is removed will need to be replaced. You can also trust our practice for the most top ranked solutions in restorative dentistry. Finally, to help you with the cost of your unplanned extraction and restoration, you’ll be happy to know that we accept dental insurance and offer CareCredit financing. Book an Appointment today with Alexandria’s most trusted dentist.

Posted on behalf of Green Dental of Alexandria

1725 Duke St, Suite GR03
Alexandria, VA 22314

Phone: (703) 549-1725

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Real Stories, Real Smiles

I just had my first appointment at Green Dental and I couldn't be happier with their service. I tend to be nervous when going to the dentist, but all of the staff were very welcoming and nice. The exam chair massages your back as you're getting your cleaning and there's a television on the ceiling to distract you from dental work. The cleaning and evaluation was very gentle. Thanks, Green Dental!
Jennifer B.
I've seen Dr. Park for a consultation only, but so far had a wonderful experience and trust she will take care of me when I come back for treatment. She was thorough in her explanations, and referred me to an amazing Oral Surgeon to take care of an issue outside of her area. ALL of her staff was super friendly, professional, and personable, the office is in pristine condition, and overall you can tell patient care is number 1 on their list.
Vanessa G.
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