Did you know that over half of the United States population suffers from of gum disease? While gum disease can cause tooth loss and be linked with several overall health conditions, it is also easily treated and reversed when detected early.
At Green Dental of Alexandria, we encourage patients to fight gum disease with good dental hygiene, professional oral care and an appropriate diet. What is an appropriate diet for gum disease? There are some specific foods you can add to your plate that are known for tackling the inflammation and infection within your gums.
Fermented dairy products as well as kimchi, kefir and sauerkraut are known to contribute good bacteria to your mouth, which will help reduce the plaque buildup of gingivitis.
Nuts, Seeds and Omega-3s
Choosing nuts with high amounts of omega-3s will introduce anti-inflammatory properties to your body and help reverse gum disease. Pistachios, macadamia nuts and sesame seeds are great picks!
Salmon and Other Fatty Fish
Oily fishes, including herring, salmon and mackerel are excellent sources of nutrients and omega-3s. This oil content is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties and can also foster a better immune system.
Grass-fed Beef
Grass-fed beef has collagen and high omega-3s that fight gum disease and does NOT have the elements that can cause inflammatory diseases (such as antibiotics and omega-6s), which are found in grain-fed beef.
Cacao is excellent for your dental health. Not only does it help fight plaque, tooth decay and cavities, but it also contains a high amount of disease-combating catechins.
Bell Peppers
Both red and green bell peppers contain large amounts of Vitamin C, which can boost the immune system and help reverse early gum disease as well.
If you have advanced stages of gum disease, marked by gums that are pulling away from your tooth roots, you will likely need more than just a change of diet. Professional dental care is highly advised if you have periodontal disease, and these foods are merely a supplement to your dentist’s treatment plan.
At Green Dental of Alexandria, we want to give our patients every opportunity to fight gingivitis before it requires more invasive treatment. Contact us today to learn more about eating for a healthy mouth!
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1725 Duke St, Suite GR03
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 549-1725
Email: info@greendentalalexandria.com