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Tooth decay is one of the leading causes of tooth failure, tooth disease and even tooth loss. Even with advances in oral hygiene education and dental technology, tooth decay is still a common problem faced by many children, teenagers and adults. So, how can we prevent this serious dental health problem?  There are a number of ways.

Dental sealants are a highly effective preventive measure that can be used to protect the teeth in the back of the mouth from tooth decay or dental carries (cavities). The process involves applying a thin plastic coating to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth and allowing it to bond into the depressions and grooves of the teeth to form a protective shield over the enamel. Children, teenagers and adults without decay in their molars can all benefit from teeth sealants. This quick and painless procedure is offered by most family dental practices throughout the United States.

Another way to protect your teeth from decay is to visit your dentist regularly. For most individuals, a professional cleaning and dental examination is recommended every six months. During this time, your dentist can use a physical examination, an X-ray or even laser technology to detect tooth decay, before it has progressed enough to threaten the long-term health of your teeth. If tooth decay is detected and treated in its earliest form, it can usually be treated with a simple dental filling. If decay is not treated in a timely manner, it may require a more complicated procedure such as root canal therapy or a crown.

Practicing good oral hygiene at home on a daily basis is one of the most important things you can do to prevent tooth decay. This includes brushing your teeth thoroughly at least twice daily (morning and night) and flossing your teeth thoroughly at least once daily (at night before you go to bed). Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet and staying away from sugary drinks and candies can also help to protect your teeth from decay.

Your teeth have to last you for a lifetime so you might as well take good care of them! If you would like to get more information about preventing tooth decay in your teeth or your children’s teeth, talk to your dentist or dental hygienist today.

Posted on behalf of Green Dental of Alexandria

1725 Duke St, Suite GR03
Alexandria, VA 22314

Phone: (703) 549-1725

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Real Stories, Real Smiles

I just had my first appointment at Green Dental and I couldn't be happier with their service. I tend to be nervous when going to the dentist, but all of the staff were very welcoming and nice. The exam chair massages your back as you're getting your cleaning and there's a television on the ceiling to distract you from dental work. The cleaning and evaluation was very gentle. Thanks, Green Dental!
Jennifer B.
I've seen Dr. Park for a consultation only, but so far had a wonderful experience and trust she will take care of me when I come back for treatment. She was thorough in her explanations, and referred me to an amazing Oral Surgeon to take care of an issue outside of her area. ALL of her staff was super friendly, professional, and personable, the office is in pristine condition, and overall you can tell patient care is number 1 on their list.
Vanessa G.
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