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Dental cavities are the most prevalent dental issue in the world. They affect billions of people world wide each year, despite the fact that they are almost entirely preventable. Many people simply under estimate cavities because they do not completely understand how they develop within the mouth. Knowledge of dental cavities is the first step in their prevention.

Plaque develops inside the mouth on a daily basis. Plaque is the fuzzy film that you can feel when you run your tongue across your teeth at the end of the day. This plaque is made up of millions of bacteria that thrive off of the foods that you eat. Although there are many good bacteria inside the mouth, there are also many other bacteria that thrive and multiply off of the sugars in the mouth. As the bacteria react from the sugars they produce a damaging acid that begins to demineralize the teeth. This acid is responsible for causing holes, or cavities, in the tooth enamel by weakening the enamel and eating through it.

Oral hygiene habits and dietary choices are the biggest contributing factors to the health of your mouth. Daily flossing and brushing along with regular dental visits for cleanings and checkups are essential components of your oral health. Professional cleanings done twice a year will help to remove stubborn plaque from the teeth that may have turned into the harder substance known as tartar. These professional cleanings alongside a professional exam will leave the mouth as clean as possible. Brushing and flossing at home are also crucial to oral health. Brushing alone though is not enough, so it is important that you are also flossing daily. Floss is designed to reach the tight spaces between the teeth where a toothbrush cannot reach. If plaque is allowed to remain between the teeth, they are extremely vulnerable to decay.

Here at Green Dental of Alexandria we are committed to helping you achieve optimal oral health. Cavity prevention is an extremely vital part of your day to day life in order to fight the constant assault that your teeth are under. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. We are here to serve you!

Posted on behalf of Green Dental of Alexandria

1725 Duke St, Suite GR03
Alexandria, VA 22314

Phone: (703) 549-1725

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Real Stories, Real Smiles

I just had my first appointment at Green Dental and I couldn't be happier with their service. I tend to be nervous when going to the dentist, but all of the staff were very welcoming and nice. The exam chair massages your back as you're getting your cleaning and there's a television on the ceiling to distract you from dental work. The cleaning and evaluation was very gentle. Thanks, Green Dental!
Jennifer B.
I've seen Dr. Park for a consultation only, but so far had a wonderful experience and trust she will take care of me when I come back for treatment. She was thorough in her explanations, and referred me to an amazing Oral Surgeon to take care of an issue outside of her area. ALL of her staff was super friendly, professional, and personable, the office is in pristine condition, and overall you can tell patient care is number 1 on their list.
Vanessa G.
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