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Metal fillings, also known as amalgam fillings, have been a standard in dentistry for decades, known for their durability and longevity. However, with advancements in dental materials and growing concerns about the potential health impacts of mercury present in amalgam fillings, many patients at Green Dental of Alexandria are questioning whether they should replace their metal fillings with more modern alternatives. As a biologic dental practice in Virginia, we understand these concerns and are here to provide guidance on this important decision.

Understanding Amalgam Fillings

Amalgam fillings are a mixture of metals, including silver, tin, copper, and mercury. The mercury acts as a binding agent, helping to create a strong, durable filling. While these fillings have been used for over a century due to their effectiveness in treating cavities, the presence of mercury has raised health and environmental concerns.

Potential Reasons for Replacement

  1. Health Concerns: Although the American Dental Association and other health bodies consider dental amalgam safe for most individuals, some patients prefer to avoid exposure to mercury and opt for mercury-free fillings. Particularly, individuals with mercury allergies or sensitivities may benefit from replacing their metal fillings.
  2. Aesthetic Considerations: Metal fillings are noticeable and can detract from a natural-looking smile. Patients seeking a more aesthetically pleasing option often choose to replace metal fillings with tooth-colored materials, such as composite resins or ceramics, that blend seamlessly with their natural teeth.
  3. Structural Integrity: Over time, metal fillings can expand and contract with temperature changes, potentially leading to cracks in the tooth or the filling itself. If an amalgam filling is showing signs of wear, leakage, or causing tooth damage, it may be time to consider a replacement.
  4. Biocompatibility: At Green Dental of Alexandria, we focus on biologic dentistry, which emphasizes the use of materials that are biocompatible with the body. Patients interested in holistic health practices often choose to replace their metal fillings with materials that are more aligned with their health and wellness values.

Replacement Options

For those considering replacing their metal fillings, there are several alternatives available:

  1. Composite Resins: These tooth-colored fillings are a popular choice for their aesthetic appeal and minimal removal of tooth structure. They bond directly to the tooth, providing good support and resistance to fracture.
  2. Ceramic Fillings: Made from porcelain or other ceramic materials, these fillings are durable, tooth-colored, and resistant to staining. They are well-suited for larger restorations and areas of high bite pressure.
  3. Gold Fillings: Although not tooth-colored, gold fillings are an option for those looking for a durable, non-mercury alternative. They are well-tolerated by the body and can last many years without corroding.

Making the Right Decision for Your Whole Body Health

Replacing metal fillings is a personal decision that should be made based on individual health concerns, aesthetic preferences, and the condition of the existing fillings. At Green Dental of Alexandria, we believe in informed patient choice and are committed to providing all the information you need to make the best decision for your oral and overall health.

If you are considering replacing your metal fillings or have questions about mercury-free dentistry, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our team. We’ll review your current fillings, discuss the potential benefits and risks of replacement, and help you choose the most appropriate and health-conscious solution for your dental needs.

Remember, the best approach to dental care is one that aligns with your overall health goals and ensures the long-term integrity and beauty of your smile.

Posted on behalf of Green Dental of Alexandria

1725 Duke St, Suite GR03
Alexandria, VA 22314

Phone: (703) 549-1725

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Real Stories, Real Smiles

I just had my first appointment at Green Dental and I couldn't be happier with their service. I tend to be nervous when going to the dentist, but all of the staff were very welcoming and nice. The exam chair massages your back as you're getting your cleaning and there's a television on the ceiling to distract you from dental work. The cleaning and evaluation was very gentle. Thanks, Green Dental!
Jennifer B.
I've seen Dr. Park for a consultation only, but so far had a wonderful experience and trust she will take care of me when I come back for treatment. She was thorough in her explanations, and referred me to an amazing Oral Surgeon to take care of an issue outside of her area. ALL of her staff was super friendly, professional, and personable, the office is in pristine condition, and overall you can tell patient care is number 1 on their list.
Vanessa G.
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