Have you dropped your dental insurance plan to save money? Do you find yourself ignoring dental problems due to the presumed price tag of getting professional treatment? Far too many Americans allow money to be an obstacle to the dental care they need and deserve. Not only are there ways to make your dental treatments affordable, but your dentist can help you avoid serious complications that can impact your smile as well as your overall health.
Maximizing Dental Insurance
If you have a dental insurance plan, preventative dental visits are typically covered in full – twice a year! Unfortunately, many patients don’t use these benefits and end up paying more out-of-pocket for dental repairs that could have been avoided with routine visits. It is important to know your dental insurance plan and use it wisely to reap the full return on your annual investment.
Affordable Dental Care Without Insurance
No dental insurance? No problem. Many family dental practices, such as Green Dental of Alexandria, offer flexible payment options to ensure dental visits fit into your budget. These options include the following:
- In-office Family Savings Plan – Green Dental Wellness Plan
- Interest-free lines of credit through CareCredit
- New patient specials and special occasion promotions for non-insured
The Cost of Not Going to the Dentist
Sadly, many patients think they are saving money by avoiding the dental office. The truth is, the cost of treating a dental problem is far more than routine preventative care. In the same way that we take our cars for an oil change and engine check instead of waiting for it to break down on the highway, we should also let a dental professional maintain our smiles. Not only will you avoid the expense of a filling, root canal or dental implant, but you can also protect your overall health. Oral health and body health are very closely linked, which drastically boosts the value of your dental care investments!
At Green Dental of Alexandria, we don’t want patients to skip routine dental cleanings or ignore dental pain due to cost. We are happy to meet with you and discuss a feasible financing plan that can make your dental care more affordable. Many of our families take advantage of our Green Dental Wellness Plan for just $399 to $499 per year!
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1725 Duke St, Suite GR03
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 549-1725
Email: info@greendentalalexandria.com