It is well known that wisdom teeth can cause a number of problems; having them removed is commonplace in the United States. There are very few people who won’t need to have theirs removed. The ones who do are usually at risk for a number of oral health concerns, including:
- Colliding and crowding – years of orthodontics can be at risk when the wisdom teeth begin applying pressure to neighboring teeth
- Infection – Pericoronitis causes swelling, pain, and infection
- Decay or damage to surrounding teeth – it’s difficult to clean around impacted teeth in the far back of the mouth, which can lead to decay and damage.
We know that it is normal to have some anxiety about having your wisdom teeth extracted. At Green Dental of Alexandria, our full-service, state-of-the-art green dentistry techniques will set you at ease.
With years of experience in wisdom teeth extractions, we meet with you prior to the procedure to do an evaluation, take time to understand your needs, and address all of your concerns. We offer several methods of sedation to ensure you don’t feel anything during the procedure. Your comfort and care is our highest priority.
Our green team will be by your side throughout the surgery and will educate you about how to care for your mouth and gums once you get home. We will ask that you keep an ice pack on your jaws, gargle with salt water, eat soft foods, and avoid rigorous brushing to minimize swelling and other complications. By following our guidelines and resting on the day of the surgery, you will be back to your normal activities in two or three days.
Please don’t wait until your wisdom teeth start causing problems to consider treatment. Let us help you plan the best plan for your long term oral health. Call us today.
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1725 Duke St, Suite GR03
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 549-1725
Email: info@greendentalalexandria.com